
Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

The list is incomplete; please add known articles or create missing ones

The following is a list of articles on the human rights organisations of the world. It does not include political parties, or academic institutions. The list includes both secular and religious organizations.

International Non-governmental organizations

What are the universal human rights? - Benedetta Berti - View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-are-the-universal-human-rights-benedetta-berti The basic idea of human rights is that each one of us, no matter who we are or where we are...

  • Amazon Watch
  • Amnesty International
  • Anti-Slavery International
  • Article 19
  • Avocats Sans Frontières
  • Breakthrough (human rights)
  • CARE
  • Carter Center
  • CCJO René Cassin
  • Center for Economic and Social Rights
  • Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian law
  • Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)
  • Civil Rights Defenders
  • Coalition for the International Criminal Court
  • Committee of Concerned Scientists
  • Committee to Protect Journalists
  • Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative
  • CryptoRights Foundation
  • Cultural Survival
  • Disabled Peoples' International
  • Enough Project
  • Equality Now
  • Every Human Has Rights
  • Forum 18
  • Free the Slaves
  • Freedom from Torture
  • Freedom House
  • Friends of Peoples Close to Nature
  • Front Line Defenders
  • Society for Threatened Peoples
  • Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
  • Global Rights
  • Habitat International Coalition
  • Helsinki Committee for Human Rights
  • Helsinki Watch
  • Hindu American Foundation
  • Hindu Human Rights
  • Hirschfeld Eddy Foundation
  • Human Life International
  • Human Rights Internet
  • Human Rights First
  • Human Rights Foundation
  • Human Rights Internet
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Human Rights Without Frontiers
  • Institute for War and Peace Reporting
  • Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense
  • International Alliance of Women
  • International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists
  • International Center for Transitional Justice
  • International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
  • International Centre for Human Rights Research
  • International Coalition against Enforced Disappearances
  • International Commission of Jurists
  • International Disability Alliance
  • International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (private, sovereign organisation)
  • International Crisis Group
  • International Federation for Human Rights
  • International Foundation for Human Rights and Tolerance
  • International Freedom of Expression Exchange
  • International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights (federation of 15 other human rights organizations not included in this list; now bankrupt due to fraud)
  • International Humanist and Ethical Union
  • International Institute of Human Rights
  • International League for Human Rights
  • International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR)
  • International Property Rights Index
  • International Progress Organization
  • International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
  • International Rescue Committee
  • International Tibet Support Network
  • International Service for Human Rights
  • International Society for Human Rights
  • International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
  • Islamic Human Rights Commission
  • Mind Freedom International
  • Minority Rights Group International
  • National Labor Committee in Support of Human and Worker Rights
  • Network for Education and Academic Rights
  • No Peace Without Justice
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Peace Brigades International
  • People & Planet
  • Physicians for Human Rights
  • Point of Peace Foundation
  • Protection International
  • Refugees International
  • Release International
  • Reporters Without Borders
  • Reprieve
  • Redress Trust
  • Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights
  • Scholars at Risk
  • Scholar Rescue Fund
  • Shia Rights Watch
  • Society for Threatened Peoples
  • Survival International
  • Tahirih Justice Center
  • The Advocacy Project
  • The Sentinel Project for Genocide Prevention
  • Tostan
  • Transparency International
  • UN Watch
  • UNITED for Intercultural Action
  • Universal Tolerance Organization
  • Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
  • World Council of Churches
  • World Organization Against Torture
  • Witness (human rights group)
  • Womankind Worldwide
  • Women's Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace
  • World Future Council
  • World Organization Against Torture
  • Youth for Human Rights International
  • Liberty institute of advocates for peace and justice international

Regional non-governmental organizations

Overview of the Human Rights Framework | International Justice ...
Overview of the Human Rights Framework | International Justice .... Source : www.ijrcenter.org

  • African Movement of Working Children and Youth (Africa)
  • AIRE Centre (Europe)
  • Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (Arab world)
  • Arab Commission for Human Rights (Arab world)
  • Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (Asia)
  • Asian Human Rights Commission (Asia)
  • Asian Centre for Human Rights (Asia)
  • Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (Commonwealth nations)
  • Council on Hemispheric Affairs (Americas)
  • Ecumenical Center for Human Rights (Americas)
  • Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (Euro-Mediterranean region)
  • European Roma Rights Centre (Europe)
  • Federal Union of European Nationalities (Europe)
  • Helsinki Citizens Assembly (Europe)
  • Human Rights Foundation (Americas)
  • Human Rights Trust of Southern Africa (Southern Africa)
  • Incomindios Switzerland (Americas)
  • International Association of Independent Journalists Inc. (Canada, England & elsewhere)
  • Journalists for Human Rights (Africa)
  • Kurdish Human Rights Project (Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran & elsewhere)
  • Memorial (Ex-USSR)
  • Unimondo (southeastern Europe)
  • Washington Office on Latin America (Latin America)

Non-governmental organisations with a national focus

OHCHR | Human Rights Treaty Bodies
OHCHR | Human Rights Treaty Bodies. Source : www.ohchr.org

For governmental national human rights organisations see national human rights institutions.


  • Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo


  • Bahrain Centre for Human Rights
  • Bahrain Human Rights Society
  • Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society
  • Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights
  • We Have A Right


  • Liga voor Mensenrechten
  • Ligue des droits de l'homme

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Association for Social Research and Communications (UDIK)

Burma (Myanmar)

  • Burma Campaign UK
  • Rohingya Federation of Arakan, Burma
  • Canadian Friends of Burma
  • Free Burma Rangers
  • Freedom Campaign
  • Human Rights Defenders and Promoters
  • U.S. Campaign for Burma
  • Women's League of Burma


  • Bulgarian Helsinki Committee


  • Cambodian Center for Human Rights
  • The Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)


  • Child Welfare League of Canada


  • Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights


  • Civil Human Rights Front (Hong Kong)
  • Empowerment and Rights Institute
  • Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor (Hong Kong)
  • Human Rights in China
  • Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy


  • Free Tibet Campaign
  • International Campaign for Tibet
  • Political Prisoners Movement of Tibet
  • Students for a Free Tibet
  • Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy


  • Arabic Network for Human Rights Information
  • Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights (ECESR)
  • Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights
  • Egyptian Organization for Human Rights
  • Shayfeencom
  • Hisham Mubarak Law Center
  • National Council for Human Rights


  • Human Rights League (Ligue des droits de l'homme)
  • MRAP (French NGO)
  • SOS Racisme




  • Honour for Women National Campaign
  • Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti
  • Confederation of Human Rights Organizations
  • Forum for Fact-finding Documentation and Advocacy
  • Human Rights Documentation Centre
  • National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights
  • Vigil India Movement
  • Kashmir Human Rights Commission


  • Defenders of Human Rights Center
  • Iran Human Rights Documentation Center



  • Rabbis for Human Rights
  • Machsom Watch
  • Association for Civil Rights in Israel
  • B'Tselem
  • Physicians for Human Rights-Israel
  • Jerusalem Institute of Justice

  Palestinian territories

  • Al-Haq
  • Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Gaza Strip)


  • Cemiride
  • Awareness Against Human Trafficking (HAART)
  • Kenya Human Rights Commission


  • Association Najdeh


  • Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation


  • Suara Rakyat Malaysia
  • National Human Rights Society
  • Lawyers for Liberty
  • Sisters in Islam
  • Women's Aid Organisation
  • Bersih


  • Association Malienne des Droits de l'Homme


  • Association Mauritanienne des Droits de l'Homme


  • Association Marocaine des Droits Humaine
  • Conseil Consultatif des Droits de l'Homme
  • Sahrawi Association of Victims of Grave Human Rights Violations Committed by the Moroccan State


  • THRD Alliance


  • Timidria


  • Devatop Centre for Africa Development
  • Youths For Human Rights Protection And Transparency Initiative

North Korea

  • Liberty in North Korea
  • Chosun Journal


  • Human Rights Organization of Pakistan
  • Asian Human Rights Development Organization


  • Amnesty International Philippines
  • Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
  • Campaign for Human Rights in the Philippines
  • Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG)
  • International Peace Observers Network (IPON)
  • Karapatan
  • Nonviolent Peaceforce
  • Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA)
  • Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PhilRights)
  • Philippines-Canada Task Force on Human Rights
  • Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)


  • Movement for Defense of Human and Civic Rights (20th century)


  • Glasnost Defense Foundation
  • Moscow Research Center for Human Rights
  • SOVA Center
  • Chechnya:
    • Chechnya Advocacy Network

Saudi Arabia

  • Center for Democracy and Human Rights in Saudi Arabia
  • National Society for Human Rights

Sri Lanka

  • Home for Human Rights
  • University Teachers for Human Rights


  • Stepchildren of Society


  • al-Marsad


  • Amnesty International Thailand
  • Anjaree


  • Tunisia Monitoring Group


  • Uganda Conflict Action Network


  • Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group
  • Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union

United Kingdom

  • Liberty (pressure group)
  • Northern Ireland:
    • Committee on the Administration of Justice

United States

  • ACLU
  • Amnesty International
  • Avaaz
  • Center for Constitutional Rights
  • Center for Victims of Torture
  • Citizens Justice Association
  • Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
  • Empowering Spirits Foundation
  • Hands Up United
  • Human Rights Campaign
  • Human Rights Commission of Salt Lake City
  • Human Rights First
  • Human Rights Initiative of North Texas
  • Humanitarian Law Project
  • International Justice Mission
  • Jewish Voice for Peace
  • Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute
  • National Youth Rights Association
  • Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
  • Society for Human Rights (Disbanded)
  • US Human Rights Network
  • Workplace Fairness


  • Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

United Nations Bodies

Human Rights - Our World in Data
Human Rights - Our World in Data. Source : ourworldindata.org

  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • United Nations Security Council
  • Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
  • United Nations Human Rights Council
  • United Nations Commission on Human Rights (disbanded)
  • International Criminal Court
  • OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
  • United Nations Parliamentary Assembly

Human rights treaty bodies

  • Human Rights Committee
  • Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
  • Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
  • Committee Against Torture
  • Committee on the Rights of the Child

Other multilateral organisations

UN Guiding Principles
UN Guiding Principles. Source : www.shiftproject.org

  • African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
  • African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights
  • Arab Organization for Human Rights
  • Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Committee for the Prevention of Torture
  • Commonwealth of Nations
  • European Court of Human Rights
  • OAS Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression
  • Subcommittee on Human Rights
  • Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
  • Inter-American Court of Human Rights

See also

Home. Source : www.sahrc.org.za

  • List of civil rights leaders
  • List of indigenous rights organizations
  • List of LGBT rights organizations
  • List of women's organizations
  • List of women's conferences


UN Guiding Principles
UN Guiding Principles. Source : www.shiftproject.org

Civil rights movements - Wikipedia
Civil rights movements - Wikipedia. Source : en.wikipedia.org

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